
1:1 Coaching for your success

It’s time for a change but how to start?

When you want to bring your life to a new level, I am the person to talk to. I know exactly how it feels to be in pain and doubt and I know the way out of this labyrinth. My clients report new joy in their life, high clarity in decision making, liberation of the past, living authentically and real selfconfidence in themselves.

In my coaching-sessions I combine strategic analysis with empathy. I recognize you in your individuality and I work with you according to your personal and individual values.

My competences: Psychology degree, specialization in Personality-Profiling, many continuing trainings like working with trauma, body-mind-connection and communication techniques. I gained a profound knowledge for the connection of physical and mental health. I attend several international conferences throughout the year about personality development.

What do you want to achieve?

developing more discipline for my goals

overcoming challenges with ease

gaining real selfconfidence

moving forward with my career

solving familiar entanglements and befree myself from inner guilt

being in peace with myself

developing my personality

My tools for you:


Reflective talk

Trance & Hypnosis

I support you according to your personal values. Together we define your goals. We clear obstacles and limiting believes out of the way. I strengthen you to reach your goals consciously, with elegance and ease.


Retreat in Marbella

You want to start new – mentally and physically? Here you will be surrounded by like-minded people in a fantastic environment in Marbella. You will return transformed!

1 Day Intensive

you are very busy and your time schedule is overfilled? On this day you withdraw conscioulsy from your daily routine and we make an update for all areas in your life. This is the starting point for you following your precisely set goals with new energy and determination.


What do you want to achieve? We select together the package that fits best to your needs.

Solve Package
We focus on one topic. You receive concrete practical impulses, together we solve obstacles and blockages to free your way for new success.

€ 940

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Intensive Sessions. Valuable impulses for you. Reflective talk, Trance & Hypnosis. You have gained a new level of dominion in your life and you experience yourself as the designer of your beautiful life.

Content: 5 coaching-sessions à 1 hour. Working material. Personality-Profile inlcuded.

Satisfy Package

Together we choose 3 topics (f.ex. career, relationships, family entangelements, finances, physical fitness, self-confidence).

€ 1.790

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We capture the actual state and we design the optimal future for you in all relevant areas. Intensive sessions with valuable impulses and reflektive talk, Trance & Hypnosis – we create a shortcut for your goals and your optimal future.

Content: 10 coaching-sessions à 1 hour. Personality-Profile inlcuded.

Celebrate Package

Update for all areas in your life (career, physical fitness, family, friends, relationship, finances, self-confidence, spirituality).


€ 3.490

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Capturing the actual state of all areas in your life, we design the optimal future for you in all these areas. Intensive sessions with valuable impulses and reflektive talk, Trance & Hypnosis – in 6 months you are on a higher level in your life. 

Content: 20 coaching-sessions à 1 hour. Personality-Profile included.

“How to describe Mrs Hilger and her approach? Unusual, with a touch of spirituality and incredible psychological profundity. Mrs Hilger is not only highly professional but also reachable 24/7 and lovingly. She sees what noone else sees. With Mrs Hilger you go on an adventure, the adventure to yourself. This self can be anxious, angry or worried at the beginning. In the meditavive State and Trance I looked deep inside and you discover yourself new. You shape new what you experience. After each Coaching I feel released and coming home to who I really am. I look with joy and enthusiasm into the future. The claim brings it to the point “bright future” Nadine S., Leader Marketing

“Mrs Hilger catches the subjects so precize, so clear, so binding and free of personal judgement that I felt immediately being in good hands. With her support I have realized remarkable changes within short time which give me enormeous benefit. Thank you!” executive manager, age 48

“Stefanie helped me on so many levels. It is amazing to see how we hold ourselves back from being the best we can be. Initially I was skeptical about getting coaching but I knew I was holding back from being my best. Her energy, confidence and analysis are genuine and accurate and inspiring. I used to think mindsets / beliefs need time to be changed however, Stefanie has thought me that our beliefs are plastic and can be changed instantly. Now it is these beliefs that determine our actions. I believed many things that were holding me back. I have learned to get rid of what does not serve me for good purpose (guilt, anxiety). I have learned to focus on information that I can use to progress in life and not be overwhelmed (also negative information). As a result, I am a more confident leader. I also understand that to serve as a Leader I need to clearly, simply and confidently, communicate what is required and when it is required. This is best done when you believe in yourself and your capabilities. Thank you Stefanie” Tamara, age 40

“Mrs Hilger brings ease to every topic. She is always there when I need her advice. She is very experienced in her area and she offers solutions I didn’t think of. When I stearted to work with her I experienced a lot of stress and anxiety, mainly in the professional life. Now I feel transformed, strong and new. I approach difficult colleges now relaxed and I don’t take things personal anymore. by changing my behavior, my environment also has changed. I am finally myself and others accept this. Challenges arise always new but they are not heavy obstacles anymore but things to solve. I handle them with ease now!” Melanie K., age 38

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